I saw all you before and after. And some photo you sent to me, is old pictures. I think your faking and lies on me. Or hiding your personal life yo me. But i guess. Your be honest and sincere to me honey. No matter what, i love you so much for being u know you when i first meet you untill now.That girl out there, called you brother, what does it mean. That boy out there that was say, your boyfriend. I dont think what it mean.All that i see, is not just proven to me clear untill we not meet its other.
And now you shaking my mind to think about deeply what and who you are.
Because me, im not hiding my self to you, what you know me all, is real. I hope honey, you feel to me that you open your life true to me too. Coz now im so seriously loving of you so much. Im not get hurt again. Please.I was blind because i fall inlove with you honey, i love you and i miss you so much.