Among these efficient endophytes EPB 18, EPB 11, EPCO 74, FZB24 and EPB 10 were promote the plant growth of rice seedlings significantly over the other isolates and control. In the present study, rice plants (cv. ADT39) applied with FZB 24 through seed treatment @ 4g/kg + seedling dip @ 4g/l + soil application @ 500g/ha + foliar application @ 500g/ha recorded the lowest severity of bacterial leaf blight (31.36 %) with a per cent reduction of 40 over control under glasshouse conditions. In addition, the B. subtilis (FZB 24) treated rice plants registred higher induction of defence related enzymes viz., peroxidase, polyhenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase and resulted in higher accumulation of total phenols compared to untreated control plants. The endophytes treated rice plots registered a significantly lower intensity of bacterial leaf blight (2.80%) compared to untreated control plots (19.82%), which also recorded a higher grain and straw yield.