Carolina Dantas, mãe do filho de Neymar, pela primeira aparece em públ การแปล - Carolina Dantas, mãe do filho de Neymar, pela primeira aparece em públ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Carolina Dantas, mãe do filho de Ne

Carolina Dantas, mãe do filho de Neymar, pela primeira aparece em público para falar do relacionamento que teve com o atleta e quenasceu o Davi Lucca e contou como o craque é no papel de pai. “A gente teve que virar homem e mulher de um dia para o outro. É bem difícil. Ele sempre ia em casa perguntar se eu estava bem, levava chocolate… Sempre estava perto, foi muito bom. Quando ele (Davi Lucca) começou a andar, Neymar estava viajando. Eu fiz um vídeo e mandei. Ele gosta de vir aqui em casa só para dormir com o Davi, à tarde. Muito obrigada por tudo que você tem feito pela gente, por ser esse pai maravilhoso, estar presente em tudo. Só tenho que agradecer e a gente te ama muito, eu e a minha família te amamos demais”, se declarou Carol.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Carolina Dantas, mother of the son of Neymar, first appears in public to talk about the relationship he had with the athlete and the wasborn David Lucca and told how the ACE is in the role of father. "We had to become man and wife from one day to the next. It's pretty difficult. He always went home to ask if I was okay, I'd take chocolate ... Was always near, was very good. When he (David Lucca) began to walk, Neymar was traveling. I made a video and sent. He likes to come home only to sleep with David in the afternoon. Thank you so much for all you have done for us, for being such a wonderful father, being present at all. I just have to say thank you and we love you too, my family and I love you too much "Carol pleaded.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Carolina Dantas, mother of the son of Neymar, first appeared in public to talk about the relationship he had with the athlete and quenasceu Davi Lucca and the ace is counted as the role of father. "We had to become a man and a woman overnight. It's pretty hard. He always went home to ask if I was okay, took chocolate ... Where was close, it was very good. When he (David Lucca) started walking, Neymar was traveling. I made a video and sent. He likes to come here at home just to sleep with David afternoon. Thank you for all you have done for us, for being such wonderful father to be present at all. Just have to thank you and we love you so much, my family and I love you too, "declared Carol.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Carolina Dantas, the mother of the son of Neymar, first appears in public to talk about the relationship he had with the athlete and quenasceu the David Lucca and told how the player is in the role of the father. "We had to become the man and the woman from one day to the next. It is very difficult. He always went home asking if I was okay, took chocolate... Always was close, it was very good.When he (David Lucca) began to walk, Neymar was traveling. I made a video and sent. He likes to come here just for sleeping with David, in the afternoon. Thank you for all you have done for us, for this wonderful father, to be present at all. I have to thank, and we love you very much, my family and I love you too much ", said Carol.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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