wait until (%%.SINCRHLD == 1) !Aguarda sincronismo de HOLD p/ Running* การแปล - wait until (%%.SINCRHLD == 1) !Aguarda sincronismo de HOLD p/ Running* อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

wait until (%%.SINCRHLD == 1) !Agua

wait until (%%.SINCRHLD == 1) !Aguarda sincronismo de HOLD p/ Running

*Step procedure AC LIMPEZA e liberação do "HOLD" pela monitoração
%%.MONSTEP = 30
*Libera botão de HOLD para operador
%%.swop[3] = 0 !Botão de HOLD

%%.ESTADO = 30

*Step procedure AC LIMPEZA
%%.MONSTEP = 100
*Reseta timer de supervisão de introdução de AC LIMPEZA
C_TIMER = "RESETAR" !Comando RESETAR para função timer
FUNC_TM1 (TMSUPACL,C_TIMER) !Função timer (sebol user function)

*Carrega timer de supervisão de introdução de AC LIMPEZA

*Inicia timer de supervisão de introdução de AC LIMPEZA
C_TIMER = "INICIAR" !Comando INICIAR para função timer
FUNC_TM1 (TMSUPACL,C_TIMER) !Função timer (sebol user function)

จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
wait until (%%. SINCRHLD = = 1). Waits HOLD sync p/Running* Step procedure AC cleaning and release of "HOLD" by monitoring%%. MONSTEP = 30* Releases HOLD button to operator%%. swop [3] = 0. HOLD button* State AC CLEANING%%. State = 30* Step procedure AC CLEANING%%. MONSTEP = 100* Supervisory timer Resets to introduce AC CLEANINGC_TIMER = "RESET". Command to RESET timer functionFUNC_TM1 (TMSUPACL, C_TIMER). Timer function (sebol user function)* Loads of supervision timer AC CLEANINGTMSUPACL. PH =%%. SUP2_ACL* Starts introducing supervision timer AC CLEANINGC_TIMER = "START"! Start command for timer functionFUNC_TM1 (TMSUPACL, C_TIMER). Timer function (sebol user function)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
wait until (%%. SINCRHLD == 1)! Wait HOLD sync w / Running

* Step procedure AC CLEANING and release the "HOLD" for monitoring
%%. MONSTEP = 30
* Libera HOLD button for operator
%%. swop [ 3] = 0! HOLD button

%%. STATE = 30

* Step procedure AC CLEANING
%%. MONSTEP = 100
* Reset input supervision timer AC CLEANING
C_TIMER = "reset"! RESET command to function timer
FUNC_TM1 (TMSUPACL, C_TIMER)! Function timer (SEBOL user function)

* Loads AC input monitoring timer CLEANING

* Start input supervision timer AC CLEANING
C_TIMER = "START"! Command START for timer function
FUNC_TM1 (TMSUPACL, C_TIMER)! function timer (SEBOL user function)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Wait until (%%.Sincrhld = = 1). Pending synchronization hold P / running* step procedure AC cleaning and release of the "hold" for monitoring.%%.Monstep = 30* release button hold for operator.%%.Swop [3] = 0. Hold button.* state AC cleaning%%.Estado = 30* step cleaning procedure CA%%.Monstep = 100* reset timer supervisory input AC cleaning(C _ timer = "reset". The command reset for function timer.Func _ TM1 (tmsupacl, C _ timer). The function timer (sebol user function)* load timer supervisory input AC cleaningTmsupacl.ph =%.Sup2 _ FTA* starts timer supervisory input AC cleaning(C _ timer = "start!" The command start to function timer.Func _ TM1 (tmsupacl, C _ timer). The function timer (sebol user function)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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