VII - em escabeche: o produto que tenha por meio de cobertura vinagre, การแปล - VII - em escabeche: o produto que tenha por meio de cobertura vinagre, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

VII - em escabeche: o produto que t

VII - em escabeche: o produto que tenha por meio de cobertura vinagre, adicionado ou não de água, sal e outros ácidos
alimentícios e substâncias aromáticas, com pH apropriado ao produto;
VIII - em vinho branco: o produto que tenha por meio de
cobertura principal o vinho branco, adicionado ou não de ingredientes
e aditivos.
§ 3º Deve constar do nome do produto se a matéria-prima
tiver sido defumada ou em aposto explicativo se a matéria-prima tiver
sido aromatizada com sabor de defumado.
§ 4º Outras conservas de sardinhas poderão ser elaboradas
desde que atendido o disposto nos arts. 6º e 7º deste regulamento,
submetidas a outras preparações diferentes das anteriores, devidamente aprovadas pelo órgão competente com base em legislação
Art. 8º A composição do produto compreende os seguintes
I - ingrediente obrigatório: sardinhas; e
II - ingredientes opcionais:
a) sal;
b) água potável;
c) azeite de oliva;
d) outros óleos vegetais comestíveis;
e) condimentos, aromas e especiarias;
f) aditivos intencionais;
g) vinagre;
h) vinho;
i) hortaliças;
j) frutas;
k) legumes; ou
l) outros previamente aprovados pelo órgão competente.
Parágrafo único. Não é permitida a utilização de proteínas
Art. 9º No processamento de sardinhas em conserva, devem
ser atendidos os seguintes requisitos:
I - características da matéria-prima: a sardinha utilizada na
elaboração de conservas deve atender ao que dispõe a Portaria nº 185,
de 13 de maio de 1997, sendo limpa, lavada, sem cabeça, sem vísceras, com exceção de rins e gônadas;
II - características sensoriais do produto: aparência, cor, odor,
sabor e textura devem apresentar características próprias;
III - aplicando-se a Tabela de Defeitos constante no Anexo II
da presente Instrução Normativa, o número total de unidades defeituosas não pode ser superior ao número de amostras defeituosas
toleráveis em um lote (c) do Plano de Tomada de Amostras para os
Alimentos Pré-Embalados (AQL-6.5) (CAC/RM 42-1969), contido no
Anexo I da presente Instrução Normativa;
IV - características físico-químicas: as análises de histamina
deverão ser realizadas em caráter eventual, e as amostras colhidas de
forma aleatória, de acordo com o plano de amostragem estabelecido
em legislação específica, observando-se, ainda, que:
a) o nível de histamina no produto final não deve ser superior a 100 mg/kg, tomando como base a média das amostras analisadas; e
b) nenhuma unidade da amostra pode apresentar resultado
superior a 200 mg/kg;
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
VII-marinating: the product through coverage vinegar, added to water, salt and other acidsFood and aromatic substances, pH suitable to the product;andVIII-in white wine: the product throughmain cover white wine, added ingredients or notand additives.paragraph 3 Should be included in the product name if the raw materialhas been smoked or bet if explanatory raw material hasbeen flavoured with smoked flavor.§ 4 Other preserved sardines may be preparedSince I attended the provisions of arts. 6 and 7 of this regulation,subjected to other different preparations of the previous, duly approved by the competent agency on the basis of legislationspecific.Art. 8. The composition of the product comprises the followingingredients:I-mandatory ingredient: sardines; andII-Optional ingredients:the) salt;b) drinking water;c) olive oil;d) other edible vegetable oils;and condiments, flavourings and spices);f) intentional additives;g) vinegar;h) wine;I) vegetables;j) fruit;k) vegetables; orl) others previously approved by the competent body.Sole paragraph. It is not allowed the use of proteinshydrolyzed.Art. 9 in the processing of canned sardines, mustbe met the following requirements:I-characteristics of the raw material: the sardine used inelaboration of preserved foods should meet the Ordinance No. 185,of 13 May 1997, being clean, washed, without heads, without viscera, with exception of kidneys and gonads;II-sensory characteristics: appearance, colour, odour,taste and texture must have its own characteristics;III-applying the constant Defects table in annex IIof this regulatory instruction, the total number of defective units may not exceed the number of defective samplestolerable in a lot (c) of the plan of taking of samples for thePre-packed food (AQL-6.5) (CAC/RM 42-1969), contained in theAnnex I to the present Normative;IV-physico-chemical properties: the analysis of histaminemust be carried out in any character, and the samples taken fromrandomly, according to established sampling planin specific legislation, observing that:the) the level of histamine in the final product must not exceed 100 mg/kg, based on the average of the samples analysed. andb) any sample unit may display resultmore than 200 mg/kg;
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
VII - marinating a product which has by vinegar coverage, with or without added water, salt and other acidic
foods and flavorings with pH appropriate to the product,
VIII - in white wine: the product which has through
main cover white wine, with or without added ingredients
and additives.
§ 3 must contain the name of the product is the raw material
has been cured or explanatory bet if the raw material has
been flavored with smoked flavor.
§ 4 Other preserved sardines may be drawn
from that compliance with the provisions of arts. 6 and 7 of this Regulation,
subject to other than the foregoing preparations, duly approved by the competent authority based on legislation
Art. 8 The product composition comprises the following
I - mandatory ingredient: sardines; and
II - Optional ingredients:
a) salt,
b) potable water;
c) olive oil;
d) other edible vegetable oil,
e) flavorings, aromas and spices;
f) Intentional additives,
g) acetic acid;
h) wine,
i ) vegetables;
j) fruit;
k) vegetables; or
l) other previously approved by the competent body.
Sole paragraph. The use of proteins is not allowed
Art. 9 In processing sardines canned must
be met the following requirements:
I - characteristics of the raw material: sardines used in the
preparation of preserves must comply with the available to the Ordinance No. 185,
of May 13, 1997, being clean, washed, headless, gutted, except for kidneys and gonads;
II - sensory characteristics: appearance, color, odor,
flavor and texture must present characteristics;
III - applying the table constant Defects in Annex II
of this Instruction, the total number of defective units can not exceed the number of defective samples
tolerable in a lot (c) samples Making Plan for
prepackaged foods (AQL-6.5) (CAC / RM 42-1969 ), contained in
Annex I of this Normative Instruction;
IV - physicochemical characteristics: the histamine analysis
should be carried out in any character, and samples taken
randomly, according to the sampling plan established
in specific legislation, observing If, furthermore, that:
a) the histamine level in the final product should not exceed 100 mg / kg, based on the average of the samples; and
b) no sample unit may present a result
greater than 200 mg / kg;
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
VII - marinating: the product that has by means of coverage vinegar added, water, salt and other acids.Food and aromatic substances, with a pH suitable to the product;AndVIII - in white wine: the product that has, by means of aMain cover with the white wine, added, or not ingredientsAnd additives.Paragraph 3 shall contain the name of the product is the raw materialIt has been smoked or bet if the raw material is explanatoryBeen flavoured with smoked flavor.Paragraph 4 other preserved sardines may be developedSince I attended the provisions in the arts. 6 and 7 of this regulation,Subject to other preparations are different from previous, duly approved by the competent authority on the basis of legislationSpecific.Art. 8. The composition of the product comprises the followingIngredients:I - compulsory ingredient: sardines; andII - the ingredients are optional:(a) salt;(b) drinking water;(c) olive oil;(d) other edible vegetable oils;And seasonings, flavors and spices;)(f) the intentional additives;(g) vinegar;(H) the wine;(I) vegetables;(J) fruit;(k) or vegetables;(L) the other previously approved by the competent authority.Sole paragraph. It is not permitted to use proteinThe hydrolysed.Art. 9 in the processing of preserved sardines mustSatisfying the following requirements:I - Characteristics of the raw material used in the sardine:Preparation of preserved products must take into account the Disposal Ordinance No. 185On 13 May 1997, being clean, washed, without a head, viscera, with the exception of kidneys and gonads.II - the sensory characteristics of the product: appearance, color, odor,The flavor and texture must have own characteristics;III - using the table set out in Annex II defects.This normative, the total number of defective units may not be greater than the number of defective samples.Tolerable in a batch (c) of the plan of taking samples for thePre packaged food (AQL - 6.5) (CAC / RM 42 - 1969), contained in aAnnex I to this normative instruction;IV - physical and chemical characteristics: the analysis of histamineShould be carried out in any character, and samples takenRandomly, according to the sampling plan establishedIn specific legislation, and, moreover, that:(a) the level of histamine in the final product should not be more than 100 mg / kg, taking as a basis the average of the analyzed samples; and(b) no unit of the sample can produce resultMore than 200 mg / kg;
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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