Para conseguir entrar no modo infernal do Extermínio de Úria é preciso concluí-la no modo normal e trocar de canal. Além disso, é preciso que o jogador possua, pelo menos, um ticket heroico na conta.
Attention, players!How to get inside the hell of Úria extermination mode you need to complete it in normal mode and change the channel.In addition, the player has at least one heroic ticket on account.Good farms.
Attention players! To get into the hell of Úria Extermination so you need to complete it in normal mode and change channels. In addition, it is necessary that the player has at least a heroic ticket in the account. Good farms!
Attention, players!To get in the way of the extermination of Úria need to complete it in the normal mode and change the channel.In addition, there is a need for the player with at least one ticket heroic in the account.Good farms.